lundi 12 février 2007

Man vs Machine

This Video was posted by my english teacher and I just love it, its great and its actually true, take a look at it; Are we being used by somekind of dunno' what ??? A machine ?

jeudi 8 février 2007

For You Eli, My Love...

This might be one of the greatest song I've ever listenned to...On an accoustic guitar with an explosing end full of intensity, this song is for my love, for you Elisa. The only thing I wish is that I would have written it myself. Here's the lyrics...

"Your Guardian Angel" by
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

--->Greatest part<---
I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay, stay

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
[to fade]

mercredi 7 février 2007

Infinity with F.O.B

Oh My God !!! It Finally out !!! It has been a while since I've been waiting for the complete Cd "Infinity On High" from Fall Out Boy (F.O.B). Out on Tuesday the 6th of february, yesterday. I've completely forgot it was on sale last night when my girl Eli, told me she had just bought it..... I felt dumb forgetting its date but anyway, I have it now and its just great to listen to it. All songs are good and some are even better, well thats what I think. I've been listenning to it all day on my iPod video eh eh ! Heres the titles of the cd. And I've Also put the video " This aint a scene its a (godamn) arms race" bellow so check it out, and go by the album and if you're like Karim and you don't know Fall Out Boy suck hahaha !!! ;)

2.Take over, The breaks Over
3.This Ain't a Scene, It's A godamn Arms Race
4.I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always Trying to get get you of me & you
5.Hum Hallelujah
7.Thanks For The Memories
8.Don't you know who I think I am ?
9.The (After) Life Of The Party
10.Carpal Tunnel of Love
11.Bang the Doldrums
12.Fame Infamy
13.You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
14.I've Got All this Ringing in my Ears and none on my Fingers

And heres the pianon version made by a guy when he was realy stoned, thats what he said,anyway its insane ...

mardi 6 février 2007

DvD to iPod

Bon, j'étais vraiment tanner l'autre soir, je voulais mettre un dvd sur mon ordi et puis apres sur mon ipod Video, mais je ne trouvais rien du tout pour faire ce que je voulais faire lol. Et puis en regardans la tv sur mon ordi (eh oui sa se fait lol) j'ai finalement trouver "LE" logiciel, il s'appelle...attention: CuCuSoft DVD to iPod Converter...ouff lol. Bon voila, je pense que je vais aider plusieurs personnes qui etais en aide et qui cherchais aussi comme moi dessesperement a mettre leur DVD sur leur ordi. Mais si jamais vous avez un programme encore mieus que le mien, S.V.P dites le moi !!!! Sinon, pour l'instant je vous laisse le site ou on peut telecharger le trial,parce que biensur,y'a rien de gratuit dans la vie ou presque ehehehe, et moi j'ai trouver la meilleure et je
la garde pour sera pour une autre fois, see 'ya --->

lundi 5 février 2007

Music of the week !!!

This group is awesome, a little bit EMO on the edge, but just enough, although, I wouldn't like it...anyway. Thanks to Camille.B, now I know them, and I've been listenning to them none stop ahahah, I'm even trying to play the intro of "Monster", which you'll be able to listen bellow. This song is great, you can't listen to it only once, it's too good...anyway,you'll see. Go Check the newest album on the net. See yah.

vendredi 2 février 2007

Techno 24h / 24h ?

Vous trippez pattentes technologiques et jeux video??? G4 Tech Tv et pour vous ! Ce poste spécialisé dans le domaine multimedia mais plus particulièrement dans le jeu est un réelle plaisir à écouter durant des heures et des heures, mais n'oubliez pas votre vie quand même. Avec "Attack of the show", X-Play" ,"Cheat!" et plusieurs autres emission y passe toute la journée. La meilleure d'apres moi est "Attack of the show" avec Olivia Munn (OUI Y'A DES FEMMES ET OUI MAUDIT SONT BELLE EN PLUS !!!) et Kevin Peirera (Ok, pour les filles, y'en a des cute aussi...) ainsi que leurs invitées ou "Co-Host" vous presenterons chaque soir un resumer de ce qui se passe dans le domaine du gaming,le nouveauté,les critiques, etc... Allez voir au : pour plus d'informations.(J'AI MIT LE LIEN DANS LA SIDE BAR) Sinon, allez voir dans les Podcast de iTunes, Cherchez G4...

Upcoming Movie

Here's a new movie from the makers Of "The 40-years-old virgin" which I loved so much. I have no idea when it'll be in theatres but I hope for soon. Anyhow, here's the trailer. Oh and, Seth Rogen from "The 40-years-old virgin" and Katherine Heigl from "Grey's Anatomy" are the main actors.Enjoy !

jeudi 1 février 2007

Un petit montage PSD

Je voulais juste montrer un petit truc que j'ai faites y'a un petit moment

"Im A PS3, and Im a WII"....WHAT ?!?

Vous connaisez les annonces "Hey I'm A PC, And I'm A MAC...", et bien voila une approche différente.Même concept,mais c'est la beauté de la choses. Personnellement j'ai vraiment adoré.....

Laissez moi un commentaire pour me dire se que vous en avez penser......

Hello !!!

Bon, c'est mon premier blog et je suis pas encore sure de tout alors il va y avoir des changements de temps en temps c'est certain. Mais j'oublis, impolit que je suis ouh ouh...Bonjour tout le monde !!!

Well, this is my first blog and I'm not realy sure of everything so they're might be some changes times to time for sure. But I forgot, impolite am I aah aah... Hi everyone !!!