lundi 12 février 2007

Man vs Machine

This Video was posted by my english teacher and I just love it, its great and its actually true, take a look at it; Are we being used by somekind of dunno' what ??? A machine ?

2 commentaires:

Jane a dit…

I'm glad you liked the do you think we should look at issues such as cheating, copyright, and originality when the social software of the Web 2.0 creates a kind of collective intelligence where bits of information are stored in different people's brains and machines?

El Fabio a dit…

We're not actually controlled by the machine, we build a machine to help ourselves and others by cooperating. The Web 2.0, in brief, is a way to get any information in accordance with any other. The map and weather (weather of whatever) thing was a good example in the video.

The next step, once we have the ability to mix the technologies, and make them interact to get the most out of all info, would probably to do as much as we can for this info to be available for as many people as possible.

But that's only my opinion.